How to Check Word Count in Word: A Stride-by-Stride Guide

Different ways to get word count in word: (1).Find it at the left-bottom corner. If not, right-click and select 'Word Count'; (2).Go to 'Review' > 'Word Count'; (3).Use Ctrl+Shift+G; (4).Highlight to count for specific text; (5).add it to the Quick Access Toolbar.

How to Check Word Count in Word: A Stride-by-Stride Guide

You've been tap-tap-tapping away at your keyboard, and now it's time to check the "word count in Word," a phrase that seems to permeate any web discussion about documentation. Finding the correct word count quickly doesn't need to be an arduous task!

The Basics: Finding the Word Count in Word

The first surefire method to check the word count in Word is simple. Look at the status bar on the bottom of your Word screen. Yes, right there!
Among the information displayed here, your word count is proudly exhibited after the 'Words' tag.

If you don't see it, right-click on the status bar and check the "Word Count" option.

Digging Deeper: Review Tab to Check Word Count in Word

Your Word utility doesn't stop there. Are you seeking more in-depth statistics about your word count in Word? Word has you covered.

Navigate to 'Review' on the toolbar and opt for the 'Word Count' command. This action summons a dialog box displaying not only your word count but also characters (no spaces), characters (with spaces), lines, and paragraphs, etc.

The Whole Spiel: Word Count for Particular Highlighted Text

The flexibility of Word allows you to monitor the word count for specific sections of your text. Highlight the desired text, and the 'word count' automatically updates in the status bar.

When you select part of your text, you will get exactly the word count of the part.

Master Tip: Quick Access to Word Count in Word

If frequent monitoring of your word count in Word is paramount, add 'Word Count' to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Right-click the 'Word Count' command under the 'Review' tab and add it to the Quick Access Toolbar. Now, your word count is merely a glance away!

Add Word Count to quick access toolbar.
The word count tool will be there.

To sum it all up, Word makes it effortless to keep an eye on your word count. So step-up your Word game and write smart!

Are you a keyboard enthusiast? Use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+G to quickly access your word count!

The Mighty Mightool's Word Counter: An Online Marvel

Besides Microsoft Word, you can also try mightool's word counter, which extends beyond traditional constraints empowering you with the option to count words and characters anytime, anywhere, without the prerequisite of Word.
What you need to do is open the word counter page and paste or input your text in the input textarea. And you will get full statistic of your text. Give it a try!

Online Word Counter - Mightool, Accurate and comprehensive word analysis
Offering fast and accurate online word counting for any text type. Our word counter tool ensures precise results for Chinese and English characters, punctuation, and more. Optimized for essays, content creation, and SEO text analysis. Try Mightool Word Counter today.

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